Über uns
Transformation von Energiesystemen
Energiesystemanalyse und Sektorkopplung
Open Science und Datenmanagement
Partizipation und Wissenskommunikation
Mobilität mit Erneuerbaren Energien
Netzintegration der Elektromobilität
Off-Grid Systems
Energiesystemanalyse und Mini-Grids
Sozioökonomische Feldstudien
Open Science
Alle Publikationen
Transformation von Energiesystemen
Off-Grid Systems
Mobilität mit Erneuerbaren Energien
Inaction in Urban Climate Policy Undermines Health (Allam & Soomauroo, 2024)
How the Green New Deal can transform urban landscapes and promote health equity (Allam & Soomauroo, 2024)
Low voltage grid resilience: Evaluating electric vehicle charging strategies in the context of the grid development plan Germany (Reibsch et al. 2024)
Influence of flexibility options on the German transmission grid — A sector-coupled mid-term scenario (Büttner et al. 2024)
Empowering Women in a Climate-Changing World Through Climate-Resilient Energy Access (Lammers et al. 2024)
On the impact of heat pump installations and peak blocking strategies on grid expansion costs (Semmelmann et al. 2023)
On the Integration of Electric Vehicles into German Distribution Grids through Smart Charging (Heider et al. 2022)
Grid Reinforcement Costs with Increasing Penetrations of Distributed Energy Resources (Heider et al. 2023)
Ugandas Energiewende: hin zu 100 % erneuerbaren Energien bis 2050 (Möller et al. 2023)
Policy Briefing – H2-Ready-Gaskraftwerke (Christidis et al. 2023)
Masterarbeit: Netzdienlich optimaler Einsatz von Flexibilitäten in radialen Verteilnetzen basierend auf einem AC-Lastflussmodell (Held 2023)
Quartiere im klimaneutralen Stromsystem (Gering et al. 2023)
Machbarkeitsstudie H2VL – Wasserstoffregion Havelland (Wasike-Schalling et al. 2023)
Abschlussbericht open_BEA: Open Battery Models for Electrical Grid Applications (Kucevic et. al 2022)
Connecting women in the hydrogen world (Goldammer 2023)
Offshore versus Onshore: Die unterschätzte Bedeutung von Onshore-Windkraft und Photovoltaik für die Energiewende auf den britischen Inseln (Diesing et al. 2023)
100% erneuerbare Energie für das Vereinigte Königreich (Diesing et al. 2023)
Die Elektrifizierung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs wirkt sich positiv auf die öffentlichen Finanzen in kleinen Inselentwicklungsstaaten aus (Soomauroo et al. 2023)
High Power Charging in Berlin (Pieniak et al. 2023)
Modellierung synthetischer Verteilnetztopologien in urbanen Gebieten (Dubielzig 2022)
Analyse der Auswirkungen räumlicher Komplexitätsreduktion auf die Verteilnetzausbauplanung mit Flexibilitäten (Jahn 2022)
Das Flexibilitätspotenzial von EV-Flotten ausschöpfen durch netzdienliche Ladestrategien (Meyer et al. 2023)
Konflikt, Gesundheit und Elektrizität: Eine empirische Bewertung der Elektrifizierung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen im Jemen (A. Al-akori et al. 2023)
Klimaresistente Energiesysteme für südostasiatische Inselgemeinden (Lammers 2022)
Nutzung von Flexibilitäten durch netzdienliche Ladestrategien (Daam und Gemassmer 2022)
Open modeling of electricity and heat demand curves for all residential buildings in Germany (Büttner et al. 2022)
A review of 100% renewable energy scenarios on islands (Meschede et al. 2022)
Data harmonisation for energy system analysis – Example of multi-model experiments (Gardian et al. 2022)
Comparing open source power system models – A case study focusing on fundamental modeling parameters for the German energy transition (van Ouwerkerk et al. 2022)
Code exposed: Review of five open-source frameworks for modeling renewable energy systems (Candas et al. 2022)
Konzepte für nachhaltige urbane Mobilität – Bottom-Up-Ansätze und Fallstudien (Blechinger et al. 2022)
Evaluating the usability of open source frameworks in energy system modelling (Berendes et al. 2022)
Model-related outcome differences in power system models with sector coupling – Quantification and drivers (Gils et al. 2022)
Impacts of power sector model features on optimal capacity expansion: A comparative study (van Ouwerkerk et al. 2022)
Modeling flexibility in energy systems — comparison of power sector models based on simplified test cases (Gils et al. 2021)
Modelling social aspects of the energy transition: What is the current representation of social factors in energy models? (Krumm et al. 2022)
Electric vehicle adoption in small island economies: Review from a technology transition perspective (Shah et al. 2022))
Financing sustainable development? The role of foreign aid in Southeast Asia’s energy transition (Bertheau, Lindner 2021)
Modelling Narratives of Sufficient Mobility: A case study for Germany in 2040 (Arnz et al. 2021)
Flexibility options and their representation in open energy modelling tools (Heider et al. 2021)
Assessing the Impacts of Market-Oriented Electric Vehicle Charging on German Distribution Grids (Schachler et al. 2021)
The influence of innovative photovoltaic technologies on urban energy systems – An energy system analysis with concentrator PV, perovskite-silicon PV and PV-powered heat pumps in comparison with state-of-the-art technologies (Haas et al., 2021)
Challenges in grid integration of electric vehicles in urban and rural areas (Gemassmer et al. 2021)
Grid Integration in the Context of Public Transport Electrification (Röpcke et al. 2021)
Analyse des Einflussesnetzdienlicher Ladestrategien auf Verteilnetze aufgrund der zunehmenden Netzintegration von Elektrofahrzeugen (Helfenbein 2021)
Introducing open energy ontology enhancing data interpretation interfacing energy systems analysis (Booshehri et al. 2021)
Reducing grid peak load through the coordinated control of battery energy storage systems located at electric vehicle charging parks (Kucevic et al. 2021)
Distribution System Planning with Battery Storage using Multiperiod Optimal Power Flow (Pedersen et al. 2021)
Techno-economic Assessment of Flexibility Options Versus Grid Expansion in Distribution Grids (Resch et al. 2021)
Roadmap for the Integration of Sustainable Energy and Transport in Small Islands (Ochs et al. 2020)
Flexibility options for enhanced use of electricity from renewable energy sources (Amme et al. 2020)
Abschlussbericht: Verbundvorhaben ENavi – Energiewende-Navigationssystem zur Erfassung, Analyse und Simulation der systemischen Vernetzungen
Speicherbedarf und Systemkosten in der Stromversorgung für energieautarke Regionen und Quartiere (Möller 2020)
oemof.solph – A model generator for linear and mixed-integer linear optimisation of energy systems (Krien et al. 2020)
Multicriteria-based methodology for the design of rural electrification systems. A case study in Nigeria (Juanpera et al. 2020)
Exploring requirements for sustainable energy supply planning with regard to climate resilience of Southeast Asian islands (Lammers et al. 2020)
Supplying not electrified island with 100% renewable energy based micro grids: A geospatial and techno-economic analysis for the Philippines (Bertheau 2020)
Fair street space allocation: ethical principles and empirical insights (Soomauroo et al. 2020)
Assessment of Microgrid Potential in Southeast Asia Based on the Application of Geospatial and Microgrid Simulation and Planning Tools (Bertheau et al. 2020)
Assessing the impact of renewable energy on local development and the Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from a small Philippine island (Bertheau 2020)
Unique Opportunities of Island States to Transition to a Low-Carbon Mobility System (Soomauroo et al. 2020)
Overcoming the Bottleneck of Unreliable Grids: Increasing Reliability of Household Supply with Decentralized Backup Systems (Hoffmann et al. 2020)
Multiperiod Optimal Power Flow Problem in Distribution System Planning (Pedersen 2019)
Open Science and Collaborative Working in Energy System Research (Hülk 2019)
Urban-rural relations in renewable electric energy supply – the case of a German energy region (Möller et al. 2019)
Optimizing the Design of Off-Grid Micro Grids Facing Interconnection with an Unreliable Central Grid Utilizing an Open-Source Simulation Tool (Hoffmann 2019)
Optimization of Extended CHP Plants with Energy Storages — an Open-Source Approach (Wolf et al. 2019)
Provision of cooling in Oman – a linear optimisation problem with special consideration of different storage options (Köhler et al. 2019)
Electricity Sector Planning for the Philippine islands: Considering Centralized and Decentralized Supply Options (Bertheau, Cader 2019)
Challenges for implementing renewable energy in a cooperative driven off grid system in the Philippines (Bertheau et al. 2019)
Integrated Techno-Economic Power System Planning of Transmission and Distribution Grids (Müller et al. 2019)
Auswirkungen von Batterie- und Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen auf das Energiesystem (Gemassmer et al. 2019)
Optimized electrolyzer operation: Employing forecasts of wind energy availability, hydrogen demand, and electricity prices (Grüger et al. 2018)
Implementation and validation of an open source model for generating wind feed-in time series (Haas 2019)
Energy Transition from Diesel-based to Solar Photovoltaics-Battery-Diesel Hybrid System-based Island Grids in the Philippines – Techno-Economic Potential and Policy Implication on Missionary Electrification (Ocon et al. 2019)
Technical and Economic Comparison of Grid Supportive Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries for Primary Control Reserve and Community Electricity Storage (Resch et al. 2018)
Comprehensive representation of models for energy system analyses: Insights from the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) 2017 (Müller et al. 2018)
Transparency, reproducibility, and quality of energy system analyses – A process to improve scientific work (Hülk et al. 2018)
The German Research Network on Energy System Analysis (Hülk et al. 2018)
Stakeholder engagement and dissemination of modelling insights using web-based learning simulations and open databases (Hülk et al. 2018)
Beyond Open Source Modeling (Hülk 2018)
Data management in the REEEM project (Hülk 2018)
Estimating costs of extending electricity distribution networks in Germany (Linsenmeier 2018)
Resilient solar energy island supply to support SDG7 on the Philippines: Techno-economic optimized electrification strategy for small islands (Bertheau, Blechinger 2018)
Overcoming Data Scarcity For Energy Access Planning With Open Data – The Example Of Tanzania (Cader et al. 2018)
Carsharing with fuel cell vehicles: Sizing hydrogen refueling stations based on refueling behavior (Grueger et al. 2018)
Hybrid Mini-Grid Sizing with micrOgridS – An Open-Source Tool for Optimizing Renewable Energy Components within Mini-Grids (Berendes 2018)
Sizing and Optimization of Hybrid Mini-Grids with micrOgridS – an Open-Source Modelling Tool (Berendes et al. 2018)
Poster: Extension of the Open Energy Platform (OEP) for Scenario Data (Hülk et al. 2018)
The Open Energy Modelling Framework (oemof) – A new approach to facilitate open science in energy system modelling (Hilpert et al. 2018)
A critical review of modern approaches for multidimensional energy poverty measurement (Pelz et al. 2018)
A qualitative evaluation approach for energy system modelling frameworks (Wiese et al. 2018)
DALE-Statusbericht: Die dezentrale Energiewende in Deutschland im Kontext internationaler Entwicklungen
The eGo grid model: An open-source and open-data based synthetic medium-voltage grid model for distribution power supply systems (Amme et al. 2018)
Zwischenergebnisse PIOnEER² (Pieniak et al. 2017)
Poster: Stakeholder Empowerment Tools – AP12 Task 7 (Gaudchau, Müller 2017)
Poster: Potenziale zur Nutzung von Überschüssen aus Wind und PV mittels Power-to-Heat in der Region Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg (Gaudchau, Müller 2017)
Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learned (Pfenninger et al. 2017)
Welche Rolle werden Wasserstoff- und batterieelektrische Mobilität einnehmen? – Eine Debatte ohne einfache Antworten (Arnhold et al. 2017)
Visualizing National Electrification Scenarios for Sub-Saharan African Countries (Bertheau et al. 2017)
Stakeholder empowerment in participatory processes of the energy transition – an evaluation of impacts of simulation tools (Fiukowski et al. 2017)
Allocation of Annual Electricity Consumption and Power Generation Capacities Across Multiple Voltage Levels in a High Spatial Resolution (Hülk et al. 2017)
Batteriespeicher in Industrie und Gewerbe. Strombezugskosten und wirtschaftliche Einsatzmöglichkeiten (Möller et al. 2017)
Energy Storage Potential in the Northern German Region Osnabrück-Steinfurt (Möller et al. 2016)
Impact of operation strategies of large scale battery systems on distribution grid planning in Germany (Resch et al. 2017)
Poster: The OpenEnergy Platform (OEP) und The OpenEnergy Database (oedb)
Transformation of the German energy and transport sector – a national analysis (Arnhold et al. 2016)
Technisch-wirtschaftliche Optimierung der Teilnahme einer netzdienlichen Großbatterie am Primärregelleistungsmarkt (Schachler et al. 2017)
Early Power to Gas Applications: Reducing Wind Farm Forecast Errors and Providing Secondary Control Reserve (Grueger et al. 2017)
Economic and environmental cost of self-sufficiency-analysis of an urban micro grid (Wanitschke et al. 2017)
Untersuchungen zur Energiestrategie Brandenburgs (Gaudchau et al. 2017)
Abschlussbericht Smart Power Flow (Bühler et al. 2017)
Potenziale Erneuerbarer Energien in Ostdeutschland (Fiukowski, Wernitz et al. 2016)
Analysis of a Potential Single and Combined Business Model for Stationary Battery Storage Systems (Klausen et al. 2016)
Techno-economic comparison of a schedule based and a forecast based control strategy for residential photovoltaic storage systems in Germany (Camacho Rascon et al. 2016)
How to meet EU GHG emission reduction targets? A model based decarbonization pathway for Europe’s electricity supply system until 2050 (Pleßmann et al. 2016)
Energiewende im Verkehr: Welche Auswirkungen haben Batterie- und Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge auf das Energiesystem? (Arnhold et al. 2016)
How to Accelerate the Development of Renewable Energy in the Caribbean Island States – An Analysis of the Major Obstacles and How to Derive Practical Recommendations (Goldammer and Blechinger 2016)
Electrification modelling for Nigeria (Bertheau et al. 2016)
The Energy Nexus Group – an interdisciplinary research agenda (Cader et al. 2016)
Energy Access for Sub-Saharan Africa with the focus on hybrid mini-grids (Blechinger et al. 2016)
Populationsbasierte Optimierungsmethoden zur Entscheidungsunterstützung im Energiesystemdesign: Diskussion einiger Ansätze (Wanitschke et al. 2016)
Vorkonditionierung von Elektrofahrzeugen zur Reichweitenerhöhung (Nerling et al. 2016)
Increasing the Hosting Capacity of Distribution Grids by Implementing Residential PV Storage Systems and Reactive Power Control (Camacho Rascon et al. 2016)
open eGo – Entwicklung eines netzebenenübergreifenden Planungsinstruments zur Bestimmung des optimalen Netz- und Speicherausbaus in Deutschland (Kötter et al. 2016)
Quartierspeicher – Definition, rechtlicher Rahmen und Perspektiven (Gaudchau et al. 2016)
Bringing people out of darkness: Electrification priority plan for Nigeria (Bertheau 2016)
Multi-objective optimization of an autobahn EV charging station supplied by renewable energy (Wanitschke et al. 2016)
Ländliche Elektrifizierung mit PV-Mini-Grids – Fallbeispiel Nigeria (Cader et al. 2016)
Hybridisierungspotentiale weltweit (Blechinger 2016)
Electrification Planning with Focus on Hybrid Mini-Grids – A Comprehensive Modelling Approach for the Global South
Cost-self-sufficiency-tradeoff in a real-life urban microgrid with electric vehicles (Wanitschke et al. 2016)
The future electric power system: Impact of Power-to-Gas by interacting with other renewable energy components
Barriers and solutions to implementing renewable energies on Caribbean islands in respect of technical, economic, political, and social conditions
Bestimmung optimaler Stromnetzerweiterung in ländlichen Gebieten mithilfe von Routing-Algorithmen (Geiger und Cader 2016)
Lastflussanalyse von Micro Grids unter Einfluss von erneuerbaren Energien und Elektrofahrzeugen (Göbel 2015)
Planning of PV-hybrid power plants
Kleinwindenergieanlagen, die Genehmigungslage in Deutschland und deren Einsatz an Bildungseinrichtungen (Mueller et al. 2015)
Profitable climate change mitigation: The case of greenhouse gas emission reduction benefits enabled by solar photovoltaic systems
The Influence of Diesel Fuel Subsidies and Taxes on the Potential for Solar-Powered Hybrid Systems in Africa (Bertheau et al. 2014)
Energiezeitreise – Handbuch für Ferropolis entstanden im Rahmen der Schülerakademie des Projektes elubes
Sensitivities of power-to-gas within an optimised energy system
Raumbezogene Standortanalyse für PtG-Anlagen
The geographic potential of Power-to-Gas in a German model region – Trier-Amprion 5
Die Rolle von Power-to-Gas in der zukünftigen Stromversorgung – Das optimierte Stromversorgungsystem bei hohen Anteilen Erneuerbarer Energien am Beispiel der Modellregion Trier-Amprion 5
100% Erneuerbare Energien durch Power-to-Gas
The geographic potential of Power-to-Gas in a German model region – Trier-Amprion 5
Langfristige Systemplanung europäischer Elektrizitätsversorgung unter Berücksichtigung des Transformationspfades und kurzfristiger Dynamiken
Energy Supply on Interconnected Renewable Based Islands in the Eastern Caribbean Sea
Energy storage increases access to electricity in Asia
Abschlussbericht über den SOLARKIOSK
Analysis of potential distribution and size of photovoltaic systems on rural rooftops (Gonzalez Quitairos et al. 2015)
MELY: Market Model for Water Electrolysis – Electrolysis’ Economic Potential given its Technological Feasibility (Lemke et al. 2015)
Global PV market potential for small island energy systems
Kleinwindanlagen für Bahnhof im urbanen Raum (Wanitschke et al. 2015)
Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro Grids (Wanitschke 2015)
Is a grid connection the best solution? Frequently overlooked arguments assessing centralized electrification pathways
Analysis of critical planning parameters in hybridisation of diesel based mini-grids
Model-based quantification of a microgrid via key performance indicators (Möhrke et al. 2015)
An Approach for the Simulation and Control of Microgrids under Consideration of Various Energy Forms and Mass Flows (Grüger et al. 2015)
MELY: Market model for water ELectrolYsis (Lemke et al. 2015)
Comparison of Off-Grid Electrification versus Grid Extension: Influencing Parameters and the Role of Renewable Energies from a Geographic Point of View
Low cost underground shallow rock reservoir for decentralized compressed air energy storage at highest renewable energy penetration
Comparison of control strategies of residential PV storage systems (Resch et al. 2015)
Lebenszyklusanalyse von Großbatterien am deutschen Regelenergiemarkt (Bühler et al. 2015)
Optimale Positionierung von Großbatterien in Verteilnetzen (Resch et al. 2015)
Barriers and solutions to the development of renewable energy technologies in the Carribean
Speicherbedarf in Energieregionen unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Autarkiegrade (Möller et al. 2015)
Potenziale und Handlungsfelder für eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung im Landkreis Wittenberg (Gaudchau, Müller, Schachler et.al. 2014)
Transforming the electricity generation of the Berlin–Brandenburg region, Germany
Algerien – Eigenverbrauch von Erneuerbaren Energien in Industrie und Landwirtschaft
Eigenverbrauchsanalyse von Photovoltaik-Anlagen (Gaudchau 2014)
Decentralized cost-optimized renewable systems to increase the electrification of households: The case of Cameroon
Linking financial engineering to energy system planning
Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro Grids using Evolutionary Algorithms (Wanitschke 2014)
Control Methods for Microgrids (Möhrke et al. 2014)
Barriers and solutions to the development of renewable energy technologies in the Carribean
Barriers and solutions to the development of renewable energy technologies for power generation on Caribbean island states
Techno-Economic Optimization of Hybrid Energy Systems in a One Minute Time Step Approach
Analysis of the potential for renewable based energy systems on Philippine islands
PV-Systems and Storage for Off-Grid Solutions
Potential of Off-Grid PV Technologies for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries
Global Market Potential for PV-based Mini-Grids in Developing Countries
Techno-economic optimization of a hybrid mini-grid using a one-minute time step approach
Global PV and Wind Power Potential of Small Islands Hybrid Mini-Grids
Decentralized cost-optimized renewable systems to increase the electrification of households: The case of Cameroon
The influence of fuel subsidies and taxes on the potential for decentralised PV power on the African continent
Global energy storage demand for a 100% renewable electricity supply
Ausbaupfade der Energiewende – Stromversorgung aus Erneuerbaren Energien (Müller et.al. 2014)
Assessment of the global potential for renewable energy storage systems on small islands
Geografische Verteilung der PV für eine gelingende Energiewende in Deutschland (Müller et.al. 2013)
Energy Storage Potential for Solar Based Hybridization of Off-grid Diesel Power Plants in Tanzania
Market potentials of hybrid energy systems on Greek islands
Vergleich und Optimierung von zentral und dezentral orientierten Ausbaupfaden zu einer Stromversorgung aus Erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland (Breyer, Müller, Möller et.al. 2013)
Business Models For Renewable Energy Based Mini-Grids In Non-Electrified Regions (Gaudchau et.al. 2013)
Windräder gut planen (Amme 2013)
Mini-Grids for Off-Grid Energy Supply – Global Potential for Rural Electrification and Islands
The Mini-Grid Workshop Report
Photovoltaik und Windkraft als integriertes Kraftwerk auf gleicher Fläche
Local and global simulation of Solarkiosks (Resch et.al. 2013)
Influence of flexibility options on the German transmission grid — A sector-coupled mid-term scenario (Büttner et al. 2024)
On the impact of heat pump installations and peak blocking strategies on grid expansion costs (Semmelmann et al. 2023)
On the Integration of Electric Vehicles into German Distribution Grids through Smart Charging (Heider et al. 2022)
Grid Reinforcement Costs with Increasing Penetrations of Distributed Energy Resources (Heider et al. 2023)
Ugandas Energiewende: hin zu 100 % erneuerbaren Energien bis 2050 (Möller et al. 2023)
Masterarbeit: Netzdienlich optimaler Einsatz von Flexibilitäten in radialen Verteilnetzen basierend auf einem AC-Lastflussmodell (Held 2023)
Quartiere im klimaneutralen Stromsystem (Gering et al. 2023)
Modellierung synthetischer Verteilnetztopologien in urbanen Gebieten (Dubielzig 2022)
Analyse der Auswirkungen räumlicher Komplexitätsreduktion auf die Verteilnetzausbauplanung mit Flexibilitäten (Jahn 2022)
Open modeling of electricity and heat demand curves for all residential buildings in Germany (Büttner et al. 2022)
Data harmonisation for energy system analysis – Example of multi-model experiments (Gardian et al. 2022)
Comparing open source power system models – A case study focusing on fundamental modeling parameters for the German energy transition (van Ouwerkerk et al. 2022)
Code exposed: Review of five open-source frameworks for modeling renewable energy systems (Candas et al. 2022)
Konzepte für nachhaltige urbane Mobilität – Bottom-Up-Ansätze und Fallstudien (Blechinger et al. 2022)
Evaluating the usability of open source frameworks in energy system modelling (Berendes et al. 2022)
Model-related outcome differences in power system models with sector coupling – Quantification and drivers (Gils et al. 2022)
Impacts of power sector model features on optimal capacity expansion: A comparative study (van Ouwerkerk et al. 2022)
Modeling flexibility in energy systems — comparison of power sector models based on simplified test cases (Gils et al. 2021)
Assessing the Impacts of Market-Oriented Electric Vehicle Charging on German Distribution Grids (Schachler et al. 2021)
The influence of innovative photovoltaic technologies on urban energy systems – An energy system analysis with concentrator PV, perovskite-silicon PV and PV-powered heat pumps in comparison with state-of-the-art technologies (Haas et al., 2021)
Introducing open energy ontology enhancing data interpretation interfacing energy systems analysis (Booshehri et al. 2021)
Reducing grid peak load through the coordinated control of battery energy storage systems located at electric vehicle charging parks (Kucevic et al. 2021)
Distribution System Planning with Battery Storage using Multiperiod Optimal Power Flow (Pedersen et al. 2021)
Techno-economic Assessment of Flexibility Options Versus Grid Expansion in Distribution Grids (Resch et al. 2021)
Flexibility options for enhanced use of electricity from renewable energy sources (Amme et al. 2020)
Abschlussbericht: Verbundvorhaben ENavi – Energiewende-Navigationssystem zur Erfassung, Analyse und Simulation der systemischen Vernetzungen
Speicherbedarf und Systemkosten in der Stromversorgung für energieautarke Regionen und Quartiere (Möller 2020)
oemof.solph – A model generator for linear and mixed-integer linear optimisation of energy systems (Krien et al. 2020)
Multiperiod Optimal Power Flow Problem in Distribution System Planning (Pedersen 2019)
Urban-rural relations in renewable electric energy supply – the case of a German energy region (Möller et al. 2019)
Optimization of Extended CHP Plants with Energy Storages — an Open-Source Approach (Wolf et al. 2019)
Provision of cooling in Oman – a linear optimisation problem with special consideration of different storage options (Köhler et al. 2019)
Integrated Techno-Economic Power System Planning of Transmission and Distribution Grids (Müller et al. 2019)
Implementation and validation of an open source model for generating wind feed-in time series (Haas 2019)
Technical and Economic Comparison of Grid Supportive Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries for Primary Control Reserve and Community Electricity Storage (Resch et al. 2018)
Comprehensive representation of models for energy system analyses: Insights from the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) 2017 (Müller et al. 2018)
Transparency, reproducibility, and quality of energy system analyses – A process to improve scientific work (Hülk et al. 2018)
The German Research Network on Energy System Analysis (Hülk et al. 2018)
Stakeholder engagement and dissemination of modelling insights using web-based learning simulations and open databases (Hülk et al. 2018)
Beyond Open Source Modeling (Hülk 2018)
Data management in the REEEM project (Hülk 2018)
Estimating costs of extending electricity distribution networks in Germany (Linsenmeier 2018)
Poster: Extension of the Open Energy Platform (OEP) for Scenario Data (Hülk et al. 2018)
The Open Energy Modelling Framework (oemof) – A new approach to facilitate open science in energy system modelling (Hilpert et al. 2018)
A qualitative evaluation approach for energy system modelling frameworks (Wiese et al. 2018)
The eGo grid model: An open-source and open-data based synthetic medium-voltage grid model for distribution power supply systems (Amme et al. 2018)
Poster: Stakeholder Empowerment Tools – AP12 Task 7 (Gaudchau, Müller 2017)
Poster: Potenziale zur Nutzung von Überschüssen aus Wind und PV mittels Power-to-Heat in der Region Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg (Gaudchau, Müller 2017)
Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learned (Pfenninger et al. 2017)
Stakeholder empowerment in participatory processes of the energy transition – an evaluation of impacts of simulation tools (Fiukowski et al. 2017)
Allocation of Annual Electricity Consumption and Power Generation Capacities Across Multiple Voltage Levels in a High Spatial Resolution (Hülk et al. 2017)
Batteriespeicher in Industrie und Gewerbe. Strombezugskosten und wirtschaftliche Einsatzmöglichkeiten (Möller et al. 2017)
Energy Storage Potential in the Northern German Region Osnabrück-Steinfurt (Möller et al. 2016)
Impact of operation strategies of large scale battery systems on distribution grid planning in Germany (Resch et al. 2017)
Poster: The OpenEnergy Platform (OEP) und The OpenEnergy Database (oedb)
Technisch-wirtschaftliche Optimierung der Teilnahme einer netzdienlichen Großbatterie am Primärregelleistungsmarkt (Schachler et al. 2017)
Addressing Energy System Modelling Challenges: The Contribution of the Open Energy Modelling Framework – oemof (Hilpert et al. 2017)
Untersuchungen zur Energiestrategie Brandenburgs (Gaudchau et al. 2017)
Abschlussbericht Smart Power Flow (Bühler et al. 2017)
Potenziale Erneuerbarer Energien in Ostdeutschland (Fiukowski, Wernitz et al. 2016)
Analysis of a Potential Single and Combined Business Model for Stationary Battery Storage Systems (Klausen et al. 2016)
Techno-economic comparison of a schedule based and a forecast based control strategy for residential photovoltaic storage systems in Germany (Camacho Rascon et al. 2016)
How to meet EU GHG emission reduction targets? A model based decarbonization pathway for Europe’s electricity supply system until 2050 (Pleßmann et al. 2016)
Increasing the Hosting Capacity of Distribution Grids by Implementing Residential PV Storage Systems and Reactive Power Control (Camacho Rascon et al. 2016)
open eGo – Entwicklung eines netzebenenübergreifenden Planungsinstruments zur Bestimmung des optimalen Netz- und Speicherausbaus in Deutschland (Kötter et al. 2016)
Quartierspeicher – Definition, rechtlicher Rahmen und Perspektiven (Gaudchau et al. 2016)
The future electric power system: Impact of Power-to-Gas by interacting with other renewable energy components
Kleinwindenergieanlagen, die Genehmigungslage in Deutschland und deren Einsatz an Bildungseinrichtungen (Mueller et al. 2015)
Energiezeitreise – Handbuch für Ferropolis entstanden im Rahmen der Schülerakademie des Projektes elubes
Sensitivities of power-to-gas within an optimised energy system
Raumbezogene Standortanalyse für PtG-Anlagen
The geographic potential of Power-to-Gas in a German model region – Trier-Amprion 5
Die Rolle von Power-to-Gas in der zukünftigen Stromversorgung – Das optimierte Stromversorgungsystem bei hohen Anteilen Erneuerbarer Energien am Beispiel der Modellregion Trier-Amprion 5
100% Erneuerbare Energien durch Power-to-Gas
The geographic potential of Power-to-Gas in a German model region – Trier-Amprion 5
Langfristige Systemplanung europäischer Elektrizitätsversorgung unter Berücksichtigung des Transformationspfades und kurzfristiger Dynamiken
Energy Supply on Interconnected Renewable Based Islands in the Eastern Caribbean Sea
Energy storage increases access to electricity in Asia
Abschlussbericht über den SOLARKIOSK
Analysis of potential distribution and size of photovoltaic systems on rural rooftops (Gonzalez Quitairos et al. 2015)
Comparison of control strategies of residential PV storage systems (Resch et al. 2015)
Lebenszyklusanalyse von Großbatterien am deutschen Regelenergiemarkt (Bühler et al. 2015)
Optimale Positionierung von Großbatterien in Verteilnetzen (Resch et al. 2015)
Speicherbedarf in Energieregionen unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Autarkiegrade (Möller et al. 2015)
Potenziale und Handlungsfelder für eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung im Landkreis Wittenberg (Gaudchau, Müller, Schachler et.al. 2014)
Transforming the electricity generation of the Berlin–Brandenburg region, Germany
Eigenverbrauchsanalyse von Photovoltaik-Anlagen (Gaudchau 2014)
Ausbaupfade der Energiewende – Stromversorgung aus Erneuerbaren Energien (Müller et.al. 2014)
Geografische Verteilung der PV für eine gelingende Energiewende in Deutschland (Müller et.al. 2013)
Vergleich und Optimierung von zentral und dezentral orientierten Ausbaupfaden zu einer Stromversorgung aus Erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland (Breyer, Müller, Möller et.al. 2013)
Local and global simulation of Solarkiosks (Resch et.al. 2013)
Transformation to High Shares of Renewable Energies – A Case Study for Berlin-Brandenburg (Möller et al. 2013)
Laststeuerung und Batteriemanagement in SOLARKIOSKEN – Simulation und Betriebserfahrung (Resch et al. 2013)
100 Prozent erneuerbarer Strom in Berlin-Brandenburg – Simulation von Stromversorgungsszenarien für die Hauptstadtregion (Müller et.al. 2013)
Demand side and battery managment in Solarkiosks – simulation and operating experience (Resch et al. 2012)
Szenarioberechnung einer Strom- und Wärmeversorgung der Region Brandenburg-Berlin auf Basis Erneuerbarer Energien
Inaction in Urban Climate Policy Undermines Health (Allam & Soomauroo, 2024)
How the Green New Deal can transform urban landscapes and promote health equity (Allam & Soomauroo, 2024)
Empowering Women in a Climate-Changing World Through Climate-Resilient Energy Access (Lammers et al. 2024)
Die Elektrifizierung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs wirkt sich positiv auf die öffentlichen Finanzen in kleinen Inselentwicklungsstaaten aus (Soomauroo et al. 2023)
Konflikt, Gesundheit und Elektrizität: Eine empirische Bewertung der Elektrifizierung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen im Jemen (A. Al-akori et al. 2023)
Klimaresistente Energiesysteme für südostasiatische Inselgemeinden (Lammers 2022)
A review of 100% renewable energy scenarios on islands (Meschede et al. 2022)
Konzepte für nachhaltige urbane Mobilität – Bottom-Up-Ansätze und Fallstudien (Blechinger et al. 2022)
Modelling social aspects of the energy transition: What is the current representation of social factors in energy models? (Krumm et al. 2022)
Electric vehicle adoption in small island economies: Review from a technology transition perspective (Shah et al. 2022))
Financing sustainable development? The role of foreign aid in Southeast Asia’s energy transition (Bertheau, Lindner 2021)
Roadmap for the Integration of Sustainable Energy and Transport in Small Islands (Ochs et al. 2020)
Multicriteria-based methodology for the design of rural electrification systems. A case study in Nigeria (Juanpera et al. 2020)
Exploring requirements for sustainable energy supply planning with regard to climate resilience of Southeast Asian islands (Lammers et al. 2020)
Supplying not electrified island with 100% renewable energy based micro grids: A geospatial and techno-economic analysis for the Philippines (Bertheau 2020)
Fair street space allocation: ethical principles and empirical insights (Soomauroo et al. 2020)
Assessment of Microgrid Potential in Southeast Asia Based on the Application of Geospatial and Microgrid Simulation and Planning Tools (Bertheau et al. 2020)
Assessing the impact of renewable energy on local development and the Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from a small Philippine island (Bertheau 2020)
Unique Opportunities of Island States to Transition to a Low-Carbon Mobility System (Soomauroo et al. 2020)
Overcoming the Bottleneck of Unreliable Grids: Increasing Reliability of Household Supply with Decentralized Backup Systems (Hoffmann et al. 2020)
Open Science and Collaborative Working in Energy System Research (Hülk 2019)
Optimizing the Design of Off-Grid Micro Grids Facing Interconnection with an Unreliable Central Grid Utilizing an Open-Source Simulation Tool (Hoffmann 2019)
Electricity Sector Planning for the Philippine islands: Considering Centralized and Decentralized Supply Options (Bertheau, Cader 2019)
Challenges for implementing renewable energy in a cooperative driven off grid system in the Philippines (Bertheau et al. 2019)
Energy Transition from Diesel-based to Solar Photovoltaics-Battery-Diesel Hybrid System-based Island Grids in the Philippines – Techno-Economic Potential and Policy Implication on Missionary Electrification (Ocon et al. 2019)
Resilient solar energy island supply to support SDG7 on the Philippines: Techno-economic optimized electrification strategy for small islands (Bertheau, Blechinger 2018)
Overcoming Data Scarcity For Energy Access Planning With Open Data – The Example Of Tanzania (Cader et al. 2018)
Hybrid Mini-Grid Sizing with micrOgridS – An Open-Source Tool for Optimizing Renewable Energy Components within Mini-Grids (Berendes 2018)
Sizing and Optimization of Hybrid Mini-Grids with micrOgridS – an Open-Source Modelling Tool (Berendes et al. 2018)
A critical review of modern approaches for multidimensional energy poverty measurement (Pelz et al. 2018)
DALE-Statusbericht: Die dezentrale Energiewende in Deutschland im Kontext internationaler Entwicklungen
Visualizing National Electrification Scenarios for Sub-Saharan African Countries (Bertheau et al. 2017)
How to Accelerate the Development of Renewable Energy in the Caribbean Island States – An Analysis of the Major Obstacles and How to Derive Practical Recommendations (Goldammer and Blechinger 2016)
Electrification modelling for Nigeria (Bertheau et al. 2016)
The Energy Nexus Group – an interdisciplinary research agenda (Cader et al. 2016)
Energy Access for Sub-Saharan Africa with the focus on hybrid mini-grids (Blechinger et al. 2016)
Bringing people out of darkness: Electrification priority plan for Nigeria (Bertheau 2016)
Ländliche Elektrifizierung mit PV-Mini-Grids – Fallbeispiel Nigeria (Cader et al. 2016)
Hybridisierungspotentiale weltweit (Blechinger 2016)
Electrification Planning with Focus on Hybrid Mini-Grids – A Comprehensive Modelling Approach for the Global South
Barriers and solutions to implementing renewable energies on Caribbean islands in respect of technical, economic, political, and social conditions
Bestimmung optimaler Stromnetzerweiterung in ländlichen Gebieten mithilfe von Routing-Algorithmen (Geiger und Cader 2016)
Planning of PV-hybrid power plants
Profitable climate change mitigation: The case of greenhouse gas emission reduction benefits enabled by solar photovoltaic systems
The Influence of Diesel Fuel Subsidies and Taxes on the Potential for Solar-Powered Hybrid Systems in Africa (Bertheau et al. 2014)
Global PV market potential for small island energy systems
Is a grid connection the best solution? Frequently overlooked arguments assessing centralized electrification pathways
Analysis of critical planning parameters in hybridisation of diesel based mini-grids
Comparison of Off-Grid Electrification versus Grid Extension: Influencing Parameters and the Role of Renewable Energies from a Geographic Point of View
Low cost underground shallow rock reservoir for decentralized compressed air energy storage at highest renewable energy penetration
Barriers and solutions to the development of renewable energy technologies in the Carribean
Algerien – Eigenverbrauch von Erneuerbaren Energien in Industrie und Landwirtschaft
Decentralized cost-optimized renewable systems to increase the electrification of households: The case of Cameroon
Linking financial engineering to energy system planning
Barriers and solutions to the development of renewable energy technologies in the Carribean
Barriers and solutions to the development of renewable energy technologies for power generation on Caribbean island states
Techno-Economic Optimization of Hybrid Energy Systems in a One Minute Time Step Approach
Analysis of the potential for renewable based energy systems on Philippine islands
PV-Systems and Storage for Off-Grid Solutions
Potential of Off-Grid PV Technologies for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries
Global Market Potential for PV-based Mini-Grids in Developing Countries
Techno-economic optimization of a hybrid mini-grid using a one-minute time step approach
Global PV and Wind Power Potential of Small Islands Hybrid Mini-Grids
Decentralized cost-optimized renewable systems to increase the electrification of households: The case of Cameroon
The influence of fuel subsidies and taxes on the potential for decentralised PV power on the African continent
Global energy storage demand for a 100% renewable electricity supply
Assessment of the global potential for renewable energy storage systems on small islands
Energy Storage Potential for Solar Based Hybridization of Off-grid Diesel Power Plants in Tanzania
Market potentials of hybrid energy systems on Greek islands
Business Models For Renewable Energy Based Mini-Grids In Non-Electrified Regions (Gaudchau et.al. 2013)
Mini-Grids for Off-Grid Energy Supply – Global Potential for Rural Electrification and Islands
The Mini-Grid Workshop Report
Photovoltaik und Windkraft als integriertes Kraftwerk auf gleicher Fläche
Global Modelling of PV yields of Different Module Types – Global Performance Ratio
Regional and structural differences of barriers to implement renewable energies – Implications for less or least developed countries
Comprehensive Country Ranking for Renewable Energy Based Mini-Grids Providing Rural Off-Grid Electrification (Gerlach et.al. 2013)
High-resolution global cost advantages of stand-alone small-scale hybrid PV-Battery-Diesel Systems
PV-Hybridisierung von Mini-Grids auf den Philippinen
Geographic, technological and economic analysis of isolated diesel grids to assess the upgrading potential with renewable energies – A case study of Tanzania
Global Analysis of the Utilization of Diesel Generators for Remote Power Supply
Analysis of socioeconomic determinants of implementing Photovoltaics into island electricity systems
Geographic, technological and economic analysis of isolated diesel grids
PV-basierte Inselnetze zur Elektrifizierung in Entwicklungsländern (Breyer, Gaudchau, Gerlach et.al. 2012)
Analysis of socio-economic determinants for the deployment of renewable energies on islands
Implementing Photovoltaics on Caribbean Islands via Net-Billing for the Example of St Vincent – An Economical Approach for Independent Producers, Utilities and Governments
Net-billing for PV to support local economies on Caribbean islands
Energy Supply in Mini-Grids Regarding Renewable Energies: An Optimization for Petite Martinique
Comparison of different energy storage systems for renewable energies on a Caribbean island
Meerwasserentsalzung in Inselnetzen mit hohem Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien
A multi-criteria evaluation of policy instruments for climate change mitigation in the power generation sector of Trinidad and Tobago
Low voltage grid resilience: Evaluating electric vehicle charging strategies in the context of the grid development plan Germany (Reibsch et al. 2024)
Policy Briefing – H2-Ready-Gaskraftwerke (Christidis et al. 2023)
Machbarkeitsstudie H2VL – Wasserstoffregion Havelland (Wasike-Schalling et al. 2023)
Abschlussbericht open_BEA: Open Battery Models for Electrical Grid Applications (Kucevic et. al 2022)
High Power Charging in Berlin (Pieniak et al. 2023)
Das Flexibilitätspotenzial von EV-Flotten ausschöpfen durch netzdienliche Ladestrategien (Meyer et al. 2023)
Klimaresistente Energiesysteme für südostasiatische Inselgemeinden (Lammers 2022)
Nutzung von Flexibilitäten durch netzdienliche Ladestrategien (Daam und Gemassmer 2022)
Challenges in grid integration of electric vehicles in urban and rural areas (Gemassmer et al. 2021)
Grid Integration in the Context of Public Transport Electrification (Röpcke et al. 2021)
Analyse des Einflussesnetzdienlicher Ladestrategien auf Verteilnetze aufgrund der zunehmenden Netzintegration von Elektrofahrzeugen (Helfenbein 2021)
Auswirkungen von Batterie- und Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen auf das Energiesystem (Gemassmer et al. 2019)
Optimized electrolyzer operation: Employing forecasts of wind energy availability, hydrogen demand, and electricity prices (Grüger et al. 2018)
Carsharing with fuel cell vehicles: Sizing hydrogen refueling stations based on refueling behavior (Grueger et al. 2018)
Zwischenergebnisse PIOnEER² (Pieniak et al. 2017)
Welche Rolle werden Wasserstoff- und batterieelektrische Mobilität einnehmen? – Eine Debatte ohne einfache Antworten (Arnhold et al. 2017)
Transformation of the German energy and transport sector – a national analysis (Arnhold et al. 2016)
Early Power to Gas Applications: Reducing Wind Farm Forecast Errors and Providing Secondary Control Reserve (Grueger et al. 2017)
Economic and environmental cost of self-sufficiency-analysis of an urban micro grid (Wanitschke et al. 2017)
Energiewende im Verkehr: Welche Auswirkungen haben Batterie- und Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge auf das Energiesystem? (Arnhold et al. 2016)
Populationsbasierte Optimierungsmethoden zur Entscheidungsunterstützung im Energiesystemdesign: Diskussion einiger Ansätze (Wanitschke et al. 2016)
Vorkonditionierung von Elektrofahrzeugen zur Reichweitenerhöhung (Nerling et al. 2016)
Multi-objective optimization of an autobahn EV charging station supplied by renewable energy (Wanitschke et al. 2016)
Cost-self-sufficiency-tradeoff in a real-life urban microgrid with electric vehicles (Wanitschke et al. 2016)
Lastflussanalyse von Micro Grids unter Einfluss von erneuerbaren Energien und Elektrofahrzeugen (Göbel 2015)
Kleinwindenergieanlagen, die Genehmigungslage in Deutschland und deren Einsatz an Bildungseinrichtungen (Mueller et al. 2015)
MELY: Market Model for Water Electrolysis – Electrolysis’ Economic Potential given its Technological Feasibility (Lemke et al. 2015)
Kleinwindanlagen für Bahnhof im urbanen Raum (Wanitschke et al. 2015)
Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro Grids (Wanitschke 2015)
Model-based quantification of a microgrid via key performance indicators (Möhrke et al. 2015)
An Approach for the Simulation and Control of Microgrids under Consideration of Various Energy Forms and Mass Flows (Grüger et al. 2015)
MELY: Market model for water ELectrolYsis (Lemke et al. 2015)
Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro Grids using Evolutionary Algorithms (Wanitschke 2014)
Control Methods for Microgrids (Möhrke et al. 2014)
Windräder gut planen (Amme 2013)
Empfehlungen zum Einsatz kleiner Windenergieanlagen im urbanen Raum – Ein Leitfaden (Amme et al. 2013)
Reducing Vibration Issues at Small Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines on Buildings (Grunwald et al. 2013)
Abschlussbericht über Forschungsprojekt zur Messung typischer Fahrzyklen im Bereich des Elektrohandwerks in Berlin (Arnhold et al. 2012)
Nutzung kleiner Windkraftanlagen auf Gebäuden in städtischen Gebieten am Beispiel Berlins, in: M. Knaut (Hg.): Neue Energien. Beiträge und Positionen der HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2012 (Buddeke et al. 2012)
Optimising a Renewables Based Island Grid and Integrating a Battery Electric Vehicles Concept on the Example of Graciosa Island, Azores Archipelago (Arnhold et al. 2012)
Überschüsse aus Erneuerbaren Energien zur Basis für nachhaltige Mobilitätskonzepte? (Arnhold 2011)
Mobility Concepts Using Excess Power from Proposed Renewable Energy Supply System on Graciosa Island, Azores Archipelago (Arnhold et al. 2011)
Erneuerbare Energien und Elektromobilität in Berlin (Twele 2011)
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