Mauricio Ocampo Alvarez

B. Sc. Industrial Engineering (Universidad Javeriana Colombia)

Former Student assistant


Edgar Mauricio Ocampo Alvarez was a student assistant in the Research Unit Off-Grid Systems at RLI from February 2022 until March 2023. He was enrolled in the master's degree program Regenerative Energien at the HTW Berlin. In context of his work for the project Multilevel optimization for financing energy resiliency in Puerto Rico, he was developing academic research, sensitivity analysis and optimization based on an existing simulation tool built on python.

Mauricio had also been enrolled in the master’s program Solar Engineering at the Dalarna University in Sweden where he was writing his thesis in the topic “Design of a model community to electric vehicle to community (C2V2C) for increased resilience and network friendliness in photovoltaic energy-sharing communities”. He also holds a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Javeriana in Colombia.