Market Potential Studies
To be able to support regional energy planning and development policies in countries of the Global South, it is important to know the market potential of a certain technology for electricity supply. It would not help the population to set up energy infrastructures that are not economically sustainable – for individuals as well as from an economic point of view. It is therefore important to ensure the economic sustainability of an electrification path from the outset.
Feasibility studies
Evaluation of political and social conditions
Identification of sites
Identification of new markets for off-grid solutions
Identification of sites
Identification of new markets for off-grid solutions
Electrification pathways with renewable energy
Least-cost electrification planning
Scenario development
Development of roadmaps
Development of sustainable business models
Scenario development
Development of roadmaps
Development of sustainable business models
Potential analyses
Identification of off-grid potential
Project site identification
Quantification of markets
Project site identification
Quantification of markets