Nutzung kleiner Windkraftanlagen auf Gebäuden in städtischen Gebieten am Beispiel Berlins, in: M. Knaut (Hg.): Neue Energien. Beiträge und Positionen der HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2012 (Buddeke et al. 2012)
28. June 2012
Supply of the regions Brandenburg and Berlin with 100% Renewable Energy
1. August 2012
Nutzung kleiner Windkraftanlagen auf Gebäuden in städtischen Gebieten am Beispiel Berlins, in: M. Knaut (Hg.): Neue Energien. Beiträge und Positionen der HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2012 (Buddeke et al. 2012)
28. June 2012
Supply of the regions Brandenburg and Berlin with 100% Renewable Energy
1. August 2012

Comparison and optimisation of (de-)centrally oriented expansion paths to a renewable energy power supply in Germany

Project period 01.07.2012 - 31.10.2013

The question, if the renewable energy expansion should rather be centrally or decentrally implemented, thus rather geographically concentrated or spread all over the country, is a very controversial issue being discussed in the context of current debates on the energy transition. In order to take decisions about the choice of instruments for the realisation of a sustainable energy policy, a comprehensive understanding of the energy system and the impacts of different measures is needed.

The project studies and analyses different paths on the way to a 100% renewable energy power supply. At the forefront is the question, if it makes good economic sense to concentrate the capacities for the generation of renewable energy on those sites, which entail the lowest costs of power generation and also the question, which advantages and disadvantages result from a decentral distribution of the renewable energy capacities. Apart from the power generation costs, the communal value added is being used as an economic criteria.

The aim of the project is to become able to name the cost and value added differences between central and decentralised expansion paths of renewable energies and thus to appropriate recommendations for the development of the market design when realising the energy transition.

100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung

BVMW - Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft


Caroline Möller


Ludwig Hülk


Berit Müller

Former researcher

Elisa Gaudchau

Former researcher
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